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Reach out to us now for legal support from a long-term disability lawyer and get the compensation you deserve. 

Need Help With Long-Term Disability Claims?

We offer a free, no-obligation case evaluation to help you understand your options and explore the best course of action for your personal injury case.

Free Case Evaluation

Our experienced and caring lawyers and support staff work tirelessly to protect your legal rights, while also prioritizing your health and well-being.

On Call 24/7 For Your Needs

We've recovered over $150,000,000 for our clients. With our no recovery, no lawyer's fee guarantee, we do everything in our power to win your case.

We Win Your Case Or It's Free

Why Choose A Long-Term Disability Lawyer From Cariati Law? 

Ready to Chat?

Affected by legal complications due to a long-term disability? Contact us today for a free consultation with a long-term disability lawyer. We can help.

Contact us today

Did you apply for Long Term Disability insurance benefits?
Have you received a denial letter?

Facing Legal Complications Due To A Long-Term Disability? You Need Cariati Law On Your Side

The long-term disability lawyers at Cariati Law provide professional legal guidance for long-term disability disputes and fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

What Our Clients Are Saying:

Simon Ioia

Mississauga, Ontario

"The experience that comes through is palpable and you feel like you have an army in your corner. Best in the GTA!" 

Giovanni P

Concord, Ontario

"They treat you like family, they listen on what you half to say and they always had positive energy."

Karly J

Toronto, Ontario

"They were so amazing and very supportive. They made me feel as if I was as someone not a number."

Long-Term Disability Victims: Top 5 Factors That Can Influence Your Claim

Many policies entitle you to receive LTD benefits for the first 24 months if you are unable to work your occupation due to disability. Then, you are only entitled to receive LTD benefits beyond 24 months if you are unable to work any occupation that the insurer deems reasonable by your education, training, or experience. These 24-month escape clauses give insurers confidence to deny at the 24-month mark for unlawful and often patently unjust reasons. 


Definition of a Qualifying Disability

This refers to medical records from treating physicians. Supporting doctors can influence whether a claim will succeed or not. Our lawyers will provide guidance, so make sure to have all relevant records to support the success of your claim.


Medical Records

This is the period you must wait before you can start receiving LTD benefits. Its length can influence when and how much you'll receive from your claim. In addition, you may be entitled to short-term disability or EI sick benefits during the LTD waiting period. Our lawyers will guide you through this process so you can access available benefits.


Waiting Period

This is the maximum amount your insurer will pay out over the term of the LTD policy if you are totally disabled. Knowing this limit is crucial as it determines the total support you can potentially receive. Our lawyers will identify the maximum policy benefit and fight for the best outcome for you.


Maximum Policy Benefit

These are specific situations or conditions that your policy does not cover. Understanding these exclusions can help you anticipate difficulties when filing a long-term disability claim. Additional factors can influence your claim; to understand them better, contact Cariati Law today. 


Policy Exclusions & More

Protecting Long-Term Disability Victims' Rights and Recovery


  • How much is your case worth?
    The case value can only be determined after a detailed analysis of all relevant evidence.
  • How do we evaluate your case?
    We do everything in our power to obtain the verdict and compensation you deserve.
  • How can this be happening to me?
    Even simple injuries can escalate quickly due to various factors, leaving you overwhelmed.
  • Lawyer myths exposed
    If you are living in Ontario, you likely have one chance to get the compensation you deserve. Don't risk your one shot at rightful compensation by choosing a lawyer based on myths.
  • What can you do to help me?
    We offer a no-obligation consultation to assess your situation thoroughly and guide you accordingly.
Did you apply for Long Term Disability insurance benefits?
Have you received a denial letter?

Contact Us Today

We're always ready to help get you the justice you deserve.

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